Used Toyota Van Parts for Sale
The Goldstar Commercials online store stock a wide range of spare parts for commercial vehicles, including vehicles from international brands, for example
Toyota van Parts.
We understand the importance of swift delivery, so if you need used parts for your van, you can enjoy swift next day delivery when you purchase from our online store. Additionally, if you need assistance locating a specific part for your Toyota commercial vehicle, our staff will be happy to assist you. You can reach us by calling
0208 890 2000 between
9am and 5pm.
The History Of Toyota
Did you know that the brand Toyota’s name differs slightly from that of the founding family? The name of family who founded
Toyota motor Co. In 1937 is rendered as Toyoda, however as in east Asian culture, the number 8 is considered lucky, the business was named Toyota because in Katakana (One component of the Japanese Writing System) the word has 8 strokes.
After the Second World War, Japan was in a period of economic difficulty, however during the first few months of the Korean War, a large number of vehicles were ordered from Toyota by the US military, resulting in the revivification of the business.
Then moving into the 1950s, the first Japanese car to be exported to the United States was a Toyota, in particular, the Crown. Since then the automotive company has achieved many successes. It was the first automotive manufacturer to produce more than 10,000,000 vehicles per year (which it has done since 2012), as of 2017 it is the second largest automotive manufacturer in the world, and as of September 2018 it is the 6
th largest company in the world (by revenue).
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The Diverse Toyota Range
Toyota great a wide range of vehicles and non-automotive products, for example aerospace and robotics. Some of the well known vehicles created by Toyota include luxury type SUVs such as the LX SUV, busses for example Toyota Coaster minibus, and pickup trucks such as the Toyota Tacoma which is one of the best selling vehicles in the United States of America.
Some Parts You Can Buy
Toyota manufactures a wide range of different vehicles to meet different needs, if you’re searching for a specific replacement part, you can use the refine your search feature on the left hand side of the browser to limit the search results to specific products, such as:
- Fuel Pumps
A vehicle’s fuel pump is a very important part of a vehicle’s engine, it is responsible for pumping fuel into the engine. It is essential that your vehicle’s fuel pump is well maintained and in good condition as a damaged fuel pump could have very severe consequences.
If your fuel pump is damaged, it could cause an engine misfire which could lead to issues such as engine overheating and pre-igniting the fuel whilst driving.
- Seatbelts
When worn correctly and kept in good condition, seatbelts are very effective safety tools. However, if they are in poor condition or if they are damaged; instead of saving lives, they could cause significant injuries.
- Heater Parts
Some components and parts, such as those involved with vehicle safety, are well-known for their importance. However, there are other parts which at first glance may not seem as important as they truly are.
For example, your vehicle’s heating system. In order to keep your engine in good condition, coolant is used to reduce the temperature, and when the coolant heats up, it expands. To account for this expanse, expansion tanks are included in the heating system. However, if there is damage to the tank, coolant could flow out of the engine and pour out onto the street.
- Body Panels
A commercial vehicle’s body panels are not designed to be merely aesthetically pleasing. They’re also designed to provide important safety benefits. Body panels are designed to crumple upon impact in designated crumple zones; absorbing some of the impact of a collision. This is done by increasing the amount of time that it takes for a change in momentum, similar to bending your legs after jumping.
Additionally, the panels also serve as a barrier for the vehicle’s engine and wheels, reducing the amount of dirt and dust that can come into contact with them.
Searching For Spare Parts For Commercial Vehicles? Choose A Business You Can Trust
When purchasing spare parts for commercial vehicles, it is very important that you source them from a reputable and experienced business. The Goldstar Commercials team has over 35 years of experience and expert knowledge. Since our founding by Castell family in 1983, our business has prided itself on our high standards for both high quality products and high quality customer service.
In order to demonstrate our business’ dedication to both high standards and quality, we provide a
60 day warranty on all parts purchased from our online store.
For More Information Please Give Our Team A Call
If you would like assistance with your purchase, or if you would like more information regarding any of the
Toyota parts that are available for purchase on our online store, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of staff. We will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have about our commercial vehicle spare parts.
If you would like to speak to a member of staff, please call our team on
0208 890 2000 between
9am and 5pm. You can also get in touch with our team using the internet by sending any questions you have to us by email at